Furry Job Interview

Diagnosis results Alec arrives at the office, and is instructed to head to the CEO's office on the top floor!
Alec heads up in the elevator and enters a plush, richly decorated office. The CEO is a tall, smirking tiger.

The tiger is barefoot, his big paws resting on his desk as he slowly wiggles and flexes his toes.

The tiger starts asking questions, but only seems to ask about Alec's private measurements

Alec starts to feel dizzy as the tiger's eyes begin to glow, the light spiralling and making Alec slump forward and drool slightly.

The deeper into trance Alec gets, the more strange their body feels, as fur spreads over them and they begin to transform into a tiger.

Alec then nods happily, as they are given a new permanent job as their new boss's personal cushion. Alec obediently places their head on their employer's office chair, then feels the tiger place his warm, furry rump on top of their face. Alec will stay there obedient and mindless, happily gazing into their boss's butt every day.


You have an interview scheduled at Suspiciously Wealthy Furry Corp's head office!
But what role are going to be interview for...and will you still be you at the end of it?
Blue Raccoon@BlueballsFA

People diagnosed2.8K
Furry Adult
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