Pokemon Creator(Kalos)

Diagnosis results
MotifBaguette and Dragon
TypesDragon and Fairy
A Pokemon inspired by the motif of Baguette and Dragon could be named Draguette. This Pokemon would belong to the Dragon and Fairy types. Draguette would be known as the Baguette Pokemon and fall under the Fairy and Dragon Egg Group. It would have a gender ratio of 50% male and 50% female. Draguette would stand at a height of 1.5 meters and weigh 50 kilograms. This Pokemon would have a medium-slow leveling rate and possess a slender shape. Its Pokedex color would be a golden brown. Draguette's appearance would be a majestic dragon with a baguette-inspired design. Pokedex entries would describe its ability to bake delicious pastries using its fiery breath and magical abilities. Moveset: 1) Dragon Breath - Emits a powerful breath attack. 2) Sweet Scent - Releases a pleasant aroma that distracts opponents. 3) Crusty Crunch - Bites down with sharp teeth coated in a hard crust. 4) Fairy Dust - Sprinkles magical dust that confuses foes. Abilities: Baguette Master (Hidden Ability) - Boosts the power of bread-based moves. Second Ability: Sweet Aura - Creates a calming atmosphere in battle. Evolution Line: Starts as Baguette, evolves into Draguette, and then into Baguettking.


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