Furry stranger encounter! NSFW!

Diagnosis results Dove, heading home after hanging out with friends, is approached by a massive, terribly sweaty Hyena. They have quite the musky smell coming off of them. When grabbed by the stranger, they're pinned down by the neck, the Hyena's rock-hard cock leaking on them. Its scent slowly fills their nose as its rhythmic throbbing almost hypnotizes Dove into a state of absolute submission. Dove can't help but get aroused. The Hyena notices this, and after picking Dove up, they roughly edge their poor victim for minutes on end before letting them empty themselves on the sidewalk. Dove wakes up later with a slight headache. That and a sore dick and/or set of holes.


Contains foot fetishes, musk love, and farting (depending on chance). Also testing, because it's my first time.
Resident derpy burr@Y40ifan

People diagnosed16.6K
Furry Gay NSFW
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