What Monster Girl are you...

Diagnosis results blackanimegurl is a Cait Sith! A psuedohuman fairy creature that resemble cats. Normally an untrusted race, Cait Sith are said to steal the souls of humans who have passed on. They are easily distracted by catnip, music, and riddles.

blackanimegurl boasts some nice 39 Z tiddies and along with being Submissive their fetish is Formicophilia - (Arousal to insects)

blackanimegurl is thinking about licking their match and their match is able to suck their own uh..let's call this flexible.


「Romance Prediction」
As someone who is able to suck their own uh..let's call this flexible. - blackanimegurl's love interest always knew they would one day entangle souls. Neither of them could have ever expected it would happen after death. In a terribly mangled accident consisting of Fursuits a Cotton Gin and one erotic night with the most dangerous biker gang in town.


Find out what your true monster girl is and what fetishes you've been hiding. Also, if it breaks with your name, just add a 1 to the end!
(This changes daily, so check back later.)

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