Your Giant Pokemon Encounter

Diagnosis results You, Celestia, heard intriguing info about a giant, sleepy Meowstic. You go to the vacant beach you heard it frequents, and its giant foot stomps the ground beside you, startling you before the pokemon notices you.

The Meowstic is scarier-looking than you expect, and then you spend a few minutes discussing what you each like.

After spending some time together, both of you are eager to play some more at the Meowstic’s home. During the evening, the pokemon makes you watch itself tease you by wiggling its toes and enticing you to want them; and some minutes are spent being the pokemon’s literal chew toy, though the pokemon doesn’t harm you. At the end of it all, you have become tired from all the fun and take a rest.

The next thing you know, you’re awake in your bed, with everything as you remember it before. It was all a very vivid dream.


You somehow cross paths with a giant pokemon. How does the situation unfold?

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Pokemon Macro Fetish
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