Gotchard Form Maker

Diagnosis results
Chemy 1 NameWasperor
Chemy 1 AttributeInsect
Chemy 1 Level9
Chemy 1 Information The Wasp Chemy with a fly string. the stings is very powerful like a emperor
Chemy 2 NameNitewolf
Chemy 2 AttributeOccult
Chemy 2 Level1
Chemy 2 Information Chemy of a humanoid wolf, Werewolf. more quickly and attack in the night is truly impressive
Wasperor (Insect Level 9) and Nitewolf (Occult Level 1) combine to form Nitroper. Gotchard Nitroper Form has a dazzling purple appearance with a fierce emperor-wolf look. Nitroper Wild resembles a purple wolf with wasp wings. This powerful creature excels in quick movements and nighttime attacks.


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