Backrooms Level Creator

Diagnosis results
Describe the Levelsa mutant bugs filled places that has many objects in it
Level: 5

Survival Difficulty: Class 4

Description: The mutant bug-infested places are extremely hazardous, filled with various objects that can be both useful and dangerous. Navigating through this level requires caution and strategic planning to avoid the mutant bugs and utilize the objects effectively.

Bases, Outposts and Communities:
Outposts: Small hidden camps for temporary shelter and resource gathering.
Communities: Scattered groups of survivors banding together for safety in numbers.

Entities: Mutant bugs, aggressive and unpredictable creatures that pose a significant threat to survivors.

Entrance and Exits:
Entrance: Multiple entry points, often hidden or obscured by the mutant bugs.
Exits: Limited exits, requiring careful navigation to find a way out of the infested area.


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