Your Furry Gay Male NPC Scene Generator!

Diagnosis results It's another typical evening and Nico is spending it at a coffee shop. While minding their own business, he catches the attention of a big-bellied kangaroo. "H-hello, I'm Elyas," he says as Nico takes a moment to look him over. The kangaroo must be just over thirty, around ten feet tall and he's wearing a rather nice suit and tie. Nico's eyes wander to his pecs, which jut out furthest from his body. Elyas gives you a friendly smile and asks if he can sit with you.


Looking for a quick NPC and a scene to work with for an RP or any kind of situational inspiration? Look no further than here!
Jumbo All-Beef Wiener@Komatose_AD

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NPC Furry Scene
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