You got kidnapped by a Yandere

Diagnosis results If Y/N was willing:
Y/N woke up in a bedroom, They were gagged and tied up to a chair, Y/N struggled and eventually got out. they left the room quietly... or at least they tried, a person was behind that door and forcefully pushed themselves and Y/N back in the room, "How did yo- well that doesn't matter..." then the person starts rambling about how much they love Y/N, Y/N finds this amusing so without having anything to do back in their original life, they decided to see what happens if they take this one.

If Y/N wasn't willing:
Y/N woke up in a bedroom, They were gagged and tied up to a chair, Y/N struggled and eventually got out. they left the room quietly...or at least they tried, a person was behind that door and forcefully pushed themselves and Y/N back in the room, "How did yo- well that doesn't matter..." then the person starts rambling about how much they love Y/N, Y/N finds this insane and immoral, so Y/N ran behind the person, but the person immediately apprehended and locked up Y/N quickly and Y/N was forced to stay with that person forever....


You woke up in... Where?.. well you dont really know but what you do know is that a person is suddenly claiming they love you, but what do they do? what kind of Yandere are they?

People diagnosed2.7K
Yandere Lockedup
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