Complete Fate Servant Generator

Diagnosis results Nazirul

Class : Saver
Alignment : Neutral Good

Strength : EX
Endurance : B
Agility : EX
Mana : C-
Luck : C-
NP : A+

Active Skills
1. Saint EX
2. God's Resolution E
3. Instinct C-

Passive Skills
1. Riding B
2. Counter Hero B+
3. Item Construction A+

Noble Phantasm
Golem Keter Malkuth A

Arts Card : 3
Buster Card : 4
Quick Card : 3

NP Gen : Medium
Crit Star Gen : Medium
Crit Weight : Medium

Master : Roche Frain Yggdmillennia
Best Friend : Caligula
Love Interest : Charles Babbage
Loved By : Spartacus
Rival : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Nemesis : Charles Babbage


This Shindan tells you what kind of servant are you in Fate series. It includes:

1. Class
2. Alignment
3. Status
4. Active Skills
5. Passive Skills
6. Noble Phantasm
7. Card Hit-Count
8. Rate of NP Gen, Crit Star Gen, Crit Weight
9. Relationship

People diagnosed117.8K
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