Portal Hunter Registration

Diagnosis results Welcome to the Hunter's Bureau! You go by "Mystia," right? We've finally finished analyzing your diagnostic information from the other day. With that your registration is complete, and it is my pleasure to bestow upon you your first Hunter Identification Card!

You are entirely unique, so don't worry about being mismatched. It's how you apply yourself that determines your true value!

Hunter Designation: Mystia
>Class: Sorcerer
>Energy Coloration: Yellow
>Skill Name: Vulture Based Necromancy
>Skill Potency: A-Rank

Hunter Mystia's Statistical Growth Rates


A generator based on Korean Portal Invasion type stories. Stories where fantasy worlds begin to invade Earth, and where humanity awakens to new powers before fighting back. Do you fight for fame, fortune, family, or survival?

People diagnosed118
Diagnosis results: Monthly
Name-based diagnosis
Enter your name for diagnosis
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