Obey me! Date (A little spicy)

Diagnosis results You are sitting around in your room when Belphie invites you out for dinner at Hell's kitchen. It was weird, but he managed to make you have fun anyway.

When it was time to leave you ran home laughing together and sneaked into the observatory. As he sat down on the bed he wraped his tail around your waist and pulled you close to him. "Come here Yuki" he chimes softly as he takes your hand.
Just as things started getting spicy Diavolo knocked on the door asking if Belphie knew where you where. Belphie made a low growl as he got up and forcefully locked the door then he turned around and hugged you tightly.


I tried really hard to make this ;v; plz tell me if you want to add something or if you find a problem with it <3

People diagnosed7.3K
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