What Monster Girl are you...

Diagnosis results Emilia is a Mosquito! An insectoid pseudohuman that can survive on blood, honey, and fruit juices. With anesthetiic saliva, some recreational activites can be subpar. They are lightweight and normally quite slim since it is rare to find a donor.

Emilia boasts some nice 30 Double E tiddies and along with being Submissive their fetish is Transvestic Fetishism - (Arousal to female garments touching the male’s skin)

Emilia is able to suck their own uh...let's call this flexible. and their match is homo


「Romance Prediction」
Even though Emilia was shy their crush is homo and liked that a lot. They flirted for hours and then finally held hands. All the Christians were okay with this since they were getting married.


Find out what your true monster girl is and what fetishes you've been hiding. Also, if it breaks with your name, just add a 1 to the end!
(This changes daily, so check back later.)

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